About me

My name is Javier Rodriguez. A Business Administration graduate turned product designer passionate about the relationships between human beings and how we interact with the world.

As a designer, my main goal is to empathize with the user and understand the problem they are facing in order to reach the optimal solution with the least possible friction.

I currently work as a product design consultant with a diverse range of clients, focusing on deeply understanding both their needs and their users to successfully deliver optimal solutions.

In my free time, I work on Caff, a social platform for creating thematic communities aimed at a young adult audience.

In the past, I have published several social applications for both mobile (iOS and Android) and desktop (browser) and I have designed and launched several mobile games with excellent acceptance among which Hop Raider, an infinite platformer and procedural tribute to the vertical levels of Mario Bros.

Contact me at [email protected] if you think we could create something great together!